For yourcorrect measurement, the choice of location ofthe pipelineshould note the followingrequirements: 1) Sensorsinstalledin a vertical pipecanalso beinstalled in horizontalor inclinedpipelines,but requirestwoelectrodesconnecting the centersat the state level. 2) Mediainstallationlocation should befull pipeflow.Gaspipes andavoidlessattached to the electrode 3)Forwavesolidtwo-phase flow, preferably mounted vertically,so thatthe sensorin the villagewear uniform,and prolong life. 4)Whenthe meterinstallation mediadissatisfactioncan be takento raise themeterback-end pipelineapproachtofull pipe, Do not installthe meterinthe highest pointand outletpipes. 5) Before and after theflow meterstraight pipe≥10DN.Backend≥5DN.