This series is FMCW radar operating at 76-81 GHz, which has a maximum measuring range of 120m and a minimum blind zone of 8cm. It supports 4-wire and 2-wire applications. Higher operating frequency and shorter wavelength make it ideal for solid applications, including those with extreme dust and high temperature to + 200℃. The radar consists of an electronic circuit coupled toa lens antenna and flange for quick and easy positioning.
The main benefits of using 78 GHz over devices using lower frequency are:
Based on the self-developed CMOS millimeter wave RF chip, a more compact RF architecture, a higher signal-to-noise ratio, and a smaller blind zone are realized.
5GHz working bandwidth means higher measurement resolution and accuracy.
3°antenna beam angle, so the interference in the environment has less impact on the instrument, and the installation is more convenient.
Shorter wavelength yields good reflection properties on sloped solids, so aiming towards material angle of repose is usually not necessary.
Support remote debugging and remote upgrading to reduce the cost of field personnel.